Construction Material

Sand Price in Pakistan 2023 | Updated (Rait) Sand Rates Today

Sand Rate in Pakistan

Are you looking for sand price in Pakistan? We’ve gathered information from various suppliers of sand rait and listed the updated rates for your comfort. Sand is basic and necessary building material that can be found easily in raw form in deserts, beaches, and rivers. Sand is necessary at every step of construction. It is such a material that can be found easily in every city in Pakistan.

In ancient eras, people mostly used mud for their construction purpose. Because they didn’t know the modern tactics of construction at that time. But in the current time, people use sand, instead of low-quality mud for their construction projects.

The price is the same across the country but it varies sometimes because of the rise in stock market prices and other government taxes like an increase in fuel prices also become a reason for inflation. We’ve gathered information from major cities of Pakistan about sand prices. You can easily get an idea and set your budget before going to start your house or any building project.

Sand Rait price in Pakistan

Sand Price in Pakistan [current_date] | Sand (Rait) Updated Rates Today

Sand TypeRate Per Cubic ftRate of 200 Cubic (Trolley)Rate of 1000 Cubic (Damper)
Sand ChenabRs. 72Rs. 14,400Rs. 72,000
Sand RaviRs. 48Rs. 9,600Rs. 48,000
LawrencepurRs. 178Rs. 35,600Rs. 178,000
Sand GhaziRs. 110Rs. 22,000Rs. 110,000


We’ve collected sand prices from the local market, and mentioned here the average price of sand in Pakistan from different suppliers. The price could be different in your local shops because of changes in fuel prices and other miscellaneous taxes.

Also Read: Cement Block Price

Uses of Sand in Construction

  1. Sand is a key building material used in construction projects, particularly in the production of concrete, mortar, and bricks.
  2. Sand is a critical ingredient in the production of bricks, which are used in building walls and other structures.
  3. The sand is mixed with clay and other materials to create a stable building material.
  4. Sand plays a vital role in construction and is essential for creating strong, durable, and functional buildings and infrastructure.

Advantages of Sand

  • Versatility
  • Cost-Effectivenesses
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Strength
  • Excellent drainage properties

Disadvantages of Sand

  • Weakening, it oxidizes quickly
  • Dust and pollution
  • More water consumption
  • Expensive than mud


In conclusion, sand is a versatile material that plays a crucial role in the construction industry. Its ability to be mixed with other materials, such as cement and water, to create concrete has made it an essential component of modern construction. It is more profitable to buy construction materials such as sand, steel, and bricks from wholesalers to get cheap prices and good quality materials.

The rates of sand can fluctuate daily as the prices are volatile and not stable in Pakistan due to the current economic conditions. We’ve still done complete research and found the best rates for you. It is better to double-check with the local market to get the best rates before purchasing sand rait for your construction.


Sand is formed through the corrosion of rocks and minerals by wind, water, and ice. Over time, these particles become smaller and are transported to other locations by natural processes

Sand is used in construction for making concrete, mortar, and bricks, as well as for landscaping, road construction, and other applications that require a strong, stable material.

No, the composition and quality of sand can vary greatly depending on its source and location. Different types of sand have different properties and may be better suited for specific applications.


About Malik Ali

I am Malik Ali, a construction expert, investor, and real estate builder. My daily work keeps me well-informed about construction material rates. Apart from my profession, writing is my true passion, which I use to share knowledge and inspire others in the industry.

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